Clientele Experience
Tania's clients come from all walks of life, from babies and children (who respond very quickly and easily) to adults, maternity mums and dads, couples with fertility problems, and the elderly. Treatments are varied according to clients' needs, with story books and cuddly toys for the children, additional props for the couch for added comfort or seated treatments to mobile visits for the housebound.
Several famous actors, dancers, teachers, nurses, doctors, dentists and other therapists as well as people with mental health problems, learning difficulties or physical ailments have found themselves in her caring hands. Family pets (rabbits, dogs, cats, horses) have also been treated with Reiki or Metamorphic Technique!
It has always been her aim to have a treatment suitable for everyone with a price range to suit every pocket. She also maintains her Continued Professional Development by attending courses, workshops or seminars every year which enables her to keep her practice up to date. Current courses are Maternity Reflexology and more recently Animal Healing and Communication.

Tania Waller Complementary Therapist
07760 252494
Dip IIR(UK) MCThA Dip ITEC A&P Cert ITEC IHM MATATh Founder Member ING C&G 7307 EMBODY Registered & Approved Reiki Master/Teacher Metamorphic Technique Practitioner

Tania's interest in Complementary Therapies began in 1990 with a 10 week course in Reflexology. People's positive response and a request to teach led her to qualifying, in 1995, with the International Institute of Reflexology (UK). During this period she explored other therapies which she also qualified in.
She has taught in Adult Education and given demonstrations at The Healing Arts Exhibition and The Vitality Show in London, Lakeside Shopping Centre Thurrock as well as talks and workshops throughout Kent and London to various groups and continues to do so.
Her voluntary work has been with the Lions Hospice at Northfleet, Kent and at a local school using Metamorphic Technique on children with emotional and behavioural problems. She has given her new therapy, Neuroflexology, to members of the Wellbeing Link in Dartford, a community project for people with life affecting conditions, their families and carers.
She has worked for the NHS as a Complementary Therapist in the acute mental health setting, and currently runs her own therapy practice and teaches courses, see links above.

Reflexology - Reiki - Neuroflexology - Crystal Therapy - Ear Candling - Indian Head Massage - Metamorphic Technique
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